
Absorption varies significantly

Different calcium salts are not equally absorbed or bioavailable.


Comfort, Nature, Healing

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.


Access, Support, Wellness

Explore how we’re providing easier access to products and services that support physical and mental health.

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APRESSCAL is a premium calcium supplement formulated to deliver the highest absorption and bioavailability, ensuring optimal support for bone health. It’s designed to meet the nutritional needs of individuals requiring efficient calcium intake, including those recovering from fractures or dealing with bone density issues.

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BISFLEX-CF is an advanced Cissus Quardrangularis Extract designed to expedite callus development at fracture sites, promoting faster and more efficient bone healing. It combines a potent blend of ingredients that work synergistically to enhance bone health and support the body’s natural healing process.

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BISFLEX-C2 is an innovative supplement formulated to support joint health, reduce inflammation, and provide relief from conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Unique liquid-filled capsule design ensures 5x more potency compared to standard extract or powder formulations, offering maximum efficacy and faster absorption.

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BISCRAN-D is a novel, liquid-filled capsule formulation specifically designed to prevent and manage recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is formulated using a powerful combination of Cranberry Oil, D-Mannose, and Tea Tree Oil to deliver maximum efficacy in UTI management while preserving good bacteria.

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Bonpoze is a comprehensive health supplement designed to support the well-being of women during menopause. It addresses various symptoms associated with menopause, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function, providing a holistic approach to managing climacteric symptoms.

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NANOPRESS-50 is a specialized injection designed to support bone health, enhance muscle mass, and improve overall physical strength. It’s particularly effective for individuals with poor bone health, low muscle mass, or general debility, helping to inject strength back into their bones, muscles, and body.

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Bisflex is an innovative supplement formulated to support joint health, reduce inflammation, and provide relief from conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Its unique liquid-filled capsule design ensures 5x more potency compared to standard extract or powder formulations, offering maximum efficacy and faster absorption.

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You Can Trust

Calcium Bioavailability

Different calcium salts are not equally absorbed or Biaavailable

Climacteric Health Impact

Climacteric is accompanied by multiple health consequences ...

Bone Health & Muscle Loss

Poor bone health is often associated with low muscle mass and general debility.

Prolonged Fracture Healing

Fracture healing if prolonged, distresses both patient & doctor.

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